We consult you more successfully!
We are your expertise in project management, marketing or in the development and testing of in-house processes.
We are the right partner to support you in quality management, employee training or marketing. Our specialist areas are PMO processes and therefore process and project management as well as the correct marketing of your project.
- Certified consultants
- Cost-effective
- According to your wishes!
Ensure success
A Project Management Office (PMO) is a central unit in a company that is responsible for the standardization, coordination and support of projects. It acts as a hub for project management activities and helps to improve efficiency, transparency and control over projects.
Our consulting service offers you comprehensive support in setting up and implementing a PMO. We help you understand the benefits of a PMO and develop your individual start-up idea. In addition, we provide customized PMO processes and support you with experienced Project Management Officers as required to ensure that your PMO is successfully established and operated.

It is not always easy to find your way through the jungle of possible advertising measures.
We help you by taking your wishes into account from the outset and creating a comprehensive concept based on your company philosophy. Good advertising is not intrusive and annoying, but conveys your passion for the project and the cause itself!
We will show you how to establish yourself and reach your desired target group in an appropriate and appealing way!
The complexity of projects and processes is constantly increasing. In combination with only half-digitized project groups and unclear distribution of responsibilities within the project team, many a project quickly fails or does not deliver the desired result. However, according to Fredmund Malik, complexity is not the problem, but rather part of the solution!
We support you in using the knowledge of cybernetics (in the sense of the art of control, regulation and steering) in a target-oriented way and show you conceptual and organizational forms with which you can start every project optimally prepared. We also provide you with practical tools for process control!

We are sure you are familiar with the problem: new employees need to be trained or the current project needs to be handed over to the new team, but nobody really knows how and successes or structures that have already been achieved are lost.
We help you to create suitable training material so that all your employees are at a uniform, innovative level. As part of your quality management, we develop breakdowns of various internal processes, welcome folders for new employees or training courses on new topics. We can also create training material for a website programmed by us, for example, if you want to manage it yourself.
This keeps your knowledge up to date and ensures that you retain the successes you have already achieved!