The easier way to get to know us.

Get to know us!

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships" - Michael Jordan


Marten Pigorsch

Managing Director

I am the founder of the team and your first point of contact. Together we will find the right overall concept for you!



Creative agency

The creative agency, of which Marten is a co-founder, offers a full range of services in videography, photography and social media. The perfect complement for our projects!


Jannis Kessel


Jannis supports us with various topics. His specialties include everything to do with electronics and IT as well as his experience in the media industry.


Fabian Winkelmann

Photographer & graphic designer

Fabian is a freelance photographer and graphic designer and is responsible for the creation of graphics and custom designs.

Get in touch with us!

Whether it’s an informal meeting or a concrete idea. We look forward to hearing from you!

Über Uns...

MP Consult & Service

Dellbrücker Hauptstr. 127

51069 Köln